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Creating projects

This document aims to provide the information needed to create a project.

Create a project

You can create a project “from scratch” or by importing configuration files.


You can find an example of a configuration file for each type of project in Project types and annotations

Uploading files:

In order to create a project you must import items to annotate which can be either in text or image format.

Metadata (since 21/05/2021)

You can include custom data, which is only saved and returned during export. this data must be added in items.jsonlines, in a “metadata” object which has free content.

metadata must be an object (or omitted), so it must contain keys and values ​​inside. It cannot be a number, date, or string.

"metadata": "contenu" // not ok
"metadata": 12343 // not ok
"metadata": [12343] // not ok
"metadata": { "contenu": 123 } // ok
"metadata": { "contenu": "texte libre" } // ok
"metadata": { "contenu": "texte", "et": [23829438] } // ok

Text format

The expected item format is as follows.

{"datatype": "text","uuid": "e0870093-180d-46ac-9dd8-2e4b9661025d","data": {"text": "Mon texte"},"metadata": {"objet": "libre à votre usage"}}
{"datatype": "text","uuid": "e0870093-180d-46ac-9dd8-2e4b9661025e","data": {"text": "Mon texte2"}}
{"datatype": "text","uuid": "e0870093-180d-46ac-9dd8-2e4b9661025f","data": {"text": "Mon texte3"}}

ex : items.jsonlines


“datatype” is an alias of “type”, the two are interchangeable (for backward compatibility reasons)

Image format

ex : items.jsonlines

The images could be accessible from one of those three sources:

  1. AWS S3
  2. Minio S3
  3. Publicly accessible

When using AWS S3, different URL format is available. Here are all the accepted format.

{"uuid": "e1c7b817-7f20-4fe5-9c87-99d2cd768402", "datatype": "image", "data": { "url": "https://s3-<region><bucket>/<key>"}}
{"uuid": "d7bb0128-c478-4f56-a00a-601ed6bd0801", "datatype": "image", "data": { "url": "https://<bucket>.s3.<region><key>"}}
{"uuid": "dc86e13b-9d53-468b-ba70-b19e241c4f03", "datatype": "image", "data": { "url": "https://<bucket>.s3-<region><key>"}}
Minio S3
{"uuid": "e1c7b817-7f20-4fe5-9c87-99d2cd768402", "datatype": "image", "data": { "url": "https://<host>/<bucket>/<key>"}}
Publicy Accessible
{"uuid": "e1c7b817-7f20-4fe5-9c87-99d2cd768402", "datatype": "image", "data": { "url": ""}}

“datatype” is an alias of “type”, the two are interchangeable (for backward compatibility reasons)

For any protected S3 URLs, you must add this additional configuration element in your project configuration json file.


Your aws credentials (what you put in your ~/.aws/credentials) is strictly confidential. Be aware that those datas are encrypted and stored on the server.

"s3": {
// aws access key which (only) gives access to the S3 bucket containing the data
"accessKeyId": "<YOUR SECRET ID>",
"secretAccessKey": "<YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY>" // aws secret

ex : config.json

For more information on the signatures of the different annotto APIs: predictions, upload, users, etc. you can refer to the Swagger documentation : Swagger UI