Annotation of a project: NER and Classification
The DEMO: NER and Classification project allows you classify the item by specified categories. The NER mode includes two selection modes Word and Character and the Classification mode with which the selection is made through a checkbox.
The Word mode allows you to select a word or a sequence of words.
In the example below, we determine the date, name and address of the organization.
- Once the annotation is done, we save by clicking on Save & Next.
- To delete an annotation, just click on the X at the top-right of the selection.
The Character mode allows you to select a character or characters.
In the example below, the month is determined.
- Once the annotation is done, we save by clicking on Save & Next.
- To delete an annotation, just click on the X at the top-right of the selection.
In addition to the NER, the Classification here makes it possible to determine the language of the document. For example, on the recording below, the user has estimated by reading the message that the language used is French.
- To remove this annotation, simply uncheck the box.